Alana Hunt makes art and writes and tries to find the most affective ways for this material to move in the world. Working over time across image, word, event, and relationship her work sensitively challenges dominant ideas and histories in the public sphere and in the social space between people.
Since 2010 she has been working on evolving iterations of the memorial Cups of nun chai which was serialised in the newspaper Kashmir Reader throughout 2016-17 and published by Yaarbal Books in 2020.
Alana will reflect on her work in the north-west of (so-called) Australia which examines colonial culture, not as history, but as a continuum taking shape in discreet creases of daily life through dreams of development, aspirations for leisure, and forms of legislation that appear clean on paper but wreak havoc in the world.
Specifically Alana will share work in progress developed during her three year artist residency with the Kimberley Land Council (an Indigenous land rights organisation) via SPACED’s Rural Utopias program for socially engaged art. Under the guidance of the KLC’s legal team, government reports and FOI processes Alana has been learning about forms of legislation which legalise colonial expansion and materialising this research into video, printed matter, photography and public events.