Bunu Dhungana is an artist based in Kathmandu, Nepal. She uses photography and film to explore and question the world around me. Her background in sociology informs her artistic work. She is interested in questioning notions of gender and patriarchy through her practice. While her personal projects centre around gender, she has worked in a wide range of fields from visual ethnography, NGO/INGO work, to commercial and journalistic work.
Her work has been exhibited in Photo Kathmandu, Dali International Photo Exhibition, KunstKasten, Serendipity Arts Festival, Hong Kong International Photo Festival, Chobi Mela, Ishara Art Foundation and Mannheimer Kunstverein. She is associated with photo.circle and Nepal Picture Library in Kathmandu and was a visiting artist fellow at The Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University in 2020 and 2021.